Pleasing the buyers

When it comes to surveys on what potential buyers say can negatively affect them at a property inspection, busy roads, an over-powering smell of cigarettes and general dirtiness are generally up top on the list.

And it doesn’t auger well for the seller if the neighbours prove to be particularly rowdy when inspections are occurring.

Included in off-putting smells are those emanating from the kitty litter or the neglected ‘poo patrol’. Even the smelly fish pond or aviary might be enough to make the buyer look elsewhere. As a seller, ‘Does my house sell ‘doggy’? might be a good question to ask your agent.

Lack of storage is often a negative for buyers, and this perception is often created by an overly cluttered house. A home with neat, ordered cupboards will always look as though it has better story capacity than one where doors are hard to shut, and shelves are bursting at the seams. Potential buyers like to see what’s going on behind cupboard doors.

Sellers need to clean up their act as far as garages and backyard sheds too.  Anything a seller can do to make bedrooms appear more spacious also helps.

Old and grubby carpet often rates in the top ten turn-offs, as does grimy windows, screens and blinds.

What’s happening next door can be a tough one for a seller to control but unfortunately a ‘dodgy-looking’ neighbour’s house also regularly makes the top ten. It may be helping a neighbor with a bit of a tidy-up or if communication channels are closed, screening a neighbour’s yard.

Bathrooms and the kitchen are of grave concern to many sellers, who worry that these will seem tired and unattractive. Surprisingly, across several surveys, dated kitchens and bathrooms rarely rate as buyers’ number one turn-offs.

So enough about what the buyers may not like, what about those elements that do have appeal and may rank one property above another?

In no particular order, included in the top turn-ons for buyers are:

  • Proximity to schools
  • Close to work
  • Public transport links close by
  • Being in a good neighbourhood
  • Good garaging
  • A modern, functional kitchen
  • Large bedrooms and living areas
  • Modern bathrooms
  • An ensuite
  • Well set up for outdoor entertaining
  • Air-conditioning

Posted in Uncategorized on 17 Apr, 2019 | Comments Off on Pleasing the buyers