Archive: Author

Auctions motivate buyers, even in winter

What are the merits of going to auction? An auction program gives a time frame in which buyers can organise their purchasing position. An auction gives the seller an opportunity to get... [Read more]
Posted in Uncategorized on 8 Jun, 2017

Time to heat up your home

  Winter is coming! Have you noticed? It doesn’t matter where you live, Cairns in Tropical North Queensland or Charlotte's Pass in New South Wales where the lowest recorded temperature is minus 23.0... [Read more]
Posted in Uncategorized on 22 May, 2017

Why don’t we ask for help?

  So a recent Galaxy poll turned up a finance problem in Australian households! In a survey conducted for Fox Symes, 52 per cent of Australians said they were not confident with... [Read more]
Posted in Uncategorized on 7 Apr, 2017

Watch your semantics when it comes to selling your home

  The ‘right’ words are important ingredients in your home’s marketing strategy. Experienced sales agents choose words carefully for property advertisements, and they know there are some words that are more likely... [Read more]
Posted in Uncategorized on 5 Apr, 2017

RE/MAX Attracts canny entrepreneurs

Australian real estate network follows global growth path RE/MAX Australia expanded its national footprint with the addition of 19 offices since the start of 2016. It’s exciting to see the network continue... [Read more]
Posted in Uncategorized on 17 Mar, 2017

Honk twice for RE/MAX

Visitors to the RE/MAX Australia Head Office may notice a nice addition when making the journey down Coronation Drive in Milton. Pictured below with Managing Director, Michael Davoren and Marketing... [Read more]
Posted in Uncategorized on 15 Mar, 2017

What’s autumn got to do with it?

Do seasons affect the property market? Point one: There is no one property market, regardless of the season. Point two: Deciding to buy or sell a property is likely to involve more... [Read more]
Posted in Uncategorized on 9 Mar, 2017

Making the vendor’s decision easier

How much importance do you place on your pre-listing kit? How much effort has gone into its presentation? Does it truly reflect the best of you and your business? Does... [Read more]
Posted in Uncategorized on 6 Mar, 2017

Staying grounded

  By Lyn Cox, Public Relations I recently read a real estate story, one of the many with 2017 predictions, about apartments and houses, and which were more likely to have buyer... [Read more]
Posted in Uncategorized on 3 Feb, 2017


RE/MAX co-founder and CEO Dave Liniger, and five other RE/MAX notables, are on the Inman Influencers List for 2017, a collection of industry professionals who are predicted to shape, change... [Read more]
Posted in Uncategorized on 16 Jan, 2017

Agent is best ally

  Is there a vendor who doesn’t want to sell for the best possible price in the shortest possible time – and with the minimum of stress? Any 101 of selling would... [Read more]
Posted in Uncategorized on 4 Nov, 2016

Weathering the storms

  For tenants in locations prone to sever storms, there are things you can do to help prepare yourself and your rental home. Know how to turn off water, power and gas. Have... [Read more]
Posted in Uncategorized on 31 Oct, 2016